Officer Byrd to Perform at the Anaheim Family Justice Center

51euO0EcdqL._SS500_Susan Finch received a copy of, “The Adventures of Officer Byrd” when she was interviewing printers to print Dino Manners.  This was a sample sent to her by the same printer. Her children loved the book and the message of speaking up for yourself and for your friends.

VL5J0153 BASKETBALL 4 When the AFJC was putting together this event, Susan felt that it needed a bit more – one more author who understood the message of speaking up and giving children the courage to speak up for themselves and their friends.  She immediately thought of Officer Byrd.  The Anaheim Police Department and Susan contacted Officer Mike, the author. He couldn’t say YES fast enough to participate in this event.

Mike and byrd Officer Byrd will be performing at the event. Officer Mike will be signing his books and donating a portion of the profits to the AFJC, as well.

Susan and Mike hit it off as authors with a purpose, authors who are advocates for children and others in need.  This is only the first of what we hope are several joint fundraising events.

Learn more about Officer Byrd here >>

See Officer Byrd on YouTube – look in the right favorites >>

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