Always offer compassion and discretion

It’s back to school time.  We know it here because it’s also the time when lice rears its ugly head in the schools. We’ve escaped it the past few years.  This year – not so lucky.  We were met with support from each family that has had to go through washing the entire house, putting toys in quarantine and checking morning, noon and night for nits.

200214418-001 Our daughter was also met with some discompassionate classmates that chose to let their brand of humor shine by calling her names.  These same children also have had bouts of the little buggers before.  What would possess them to turn on another child who was dealing with lice is beyond me.  Kids can be cruel.  They can also be amazing.

Her best friends could have cared less.  They rallied by her knowing that once you’re clean, you just keep checking for the two weeks. They had ideas to keep them away – tea tree oil, spraying your hair with mint mouthwash each day and other creative ideas.  I was touched by their genunine love and support.

We need to help our children learn compassion and discretion.  They take their cues from us. They learn to gossip, berate, belittle and tease from us.  They can also learn to be caring, compassionate and empathetic from us.  How do you want them to be?  Be it first and they will follow.

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